Quick start
You can just use the default Scalastyle configuration
Right-click this link and select Save link as
. This is the one we use for
Scalastyle development, so it’s obviously the best :-)
Format of the file
The configuration file is XML containing a list of rules to apply to your Scala source. A (short) example configuration would be:
<scalastyle commentFilter="enabled">
<name>Scalastyle standard configuration</name>
<check level="warning" class="org.scalastyle.file.FileTabChecker" enabled="true" />
<check level="warning" class="org.scalastyle.file.FileLengthChecker" enabled="true">
<parameter name="maxFileLength">800</parameter>
Each check element is the name of the class which implements the checker along with any parameters. For a list of rules plus parameters, see Implemented Rules.
Comment filters
If you wish to turn off checking for a section of code, you can put a comment in the source before and after the section, with the following syntax:
// scalastyle:off
// naughty stuff
// scalastyle:on
You can switch off checking for a single line using a comment at the end of the line:
naughty() // scalastyle:ignore
You can also switch off checking for a specific rule by specifying the id of the rule to ignore:
// scalastyle:off magic.number
var foobar = 134
// scalastyle:on magic.number
Custom messages
If you wish to have a custom error message for a particular checker, then you can do so by defining a customMessage element in the configuration, such as:
<check level="warning" class="org.scalastyle.scalariform.MagicNumberChecker" enabled="true">
<customMessage>Please don't use magic numbers</customMessage>
If you wish to have a customId associated with a rule (for instance you may have the same rule with multiple configurations), then you can specify the customId attribute:
<check customId="this.is.custom" level="warning" class="org.scalastyle.scalariform.MagicNumberChecker" enabled="true" />